Wednesday, March 4, 2009

[Song on iTunes when I start: None]

I found my iPod the night after I wrote about it. Memang ada bawah timbunan baju pun. It did give me a scare, though.

My right arm and shoulder, not to forget my butt, is aching. I mean, it feels like having cramps. All this because I was trying out my hand playing Wii Sports. First time cuba, mesti beria sikit. Padahal main bowling virtually, tapi knowing me yang memang sentiasa beria dan bersemangat lebih-lebih, main sampai macam nak terputus urat semua. It'll definitely be a while before I get my hands on it again.

Another thing, I wish to have financial freedom in near future. But I don't know how to achieve it. I'm just so tired of always not having enough money to buy anything, to eat someplace nice once in a while and barely have enough to pay for my monthly expenses. Urghh! Saje je nak let it out. Sikit je.

On a cheerful note, I have always find myself to look for the simple but awesome things in life and in the world. I cannot help but to put on a few photos here today that are just simply AWESOME! Oh, I'll start giving the photos proper credit from now on. Sorry for the previous ignorance!

Today's photo(s):

Photo 1

Isn't it the cutest thing ever? Can't help but smile big when I see this.
Taken from here.
Description: Pemba, a four-month-old red panda cub makes his first public appearance at Sydney's Taronga Zoo, Australia, Wednesday, March 4, 2009. Pemba is the 44th red panda cub bred in the zoo's international breeding program for the endangered species since 1977.(AP Photo/Mark Baker)
Photo 2

Looks ugly-but-extremely-cute at the same time. Want to pet and touch its nose so bad!
Taken from here.
Description: In this photo provided by the San Francisco Zoo, an infant male gorilla is presented for the first time to the media, Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009 in San Francisco. The baby gorilla was born December 8, 2008 at the San Francisco Zoo and now weighs 11.3 pounds. The Zoo is hand-rearing the infant gorilla and surrogate training another female gorilla after the birth mother did not show interest in the newborn. The Zoo announced a global 'Name the Baby' contest, as well as an online gift registry for its newest arrival.(AP Photo/George Nikitin, San Francisco Zoo)
Photo 3

This. Is Simply Amazing. The world constantly surprises us with the odd but beautiful things that can happen. I love cats, and I love the unconditional love as displayed here.

Taken from here.

Description: Smaigel the cat nurses her kittens and four puppies at her owner Mohammad Al-Hamoury's house in Amman February 26, 2009. Smaigel is parenting the puppies whose mother died in a car accident.REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed (JORDAN)

Well, that's all I have. The rain is here, and I'm going back home to chill and try to finish a few chapters of the book I'm reading. I sometimes manage to amaze myself by succeeding on avoiding the idiot box. I miss History Channel, though.
[Song on iTunes when I finish: None]

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