Saturday, March 28, 2009

What I've been up to.

I just came back from lunch and work. It was raining hard outside when I reach home, but I think it has stopped. I can still hear some thunder in the far distance though. But the dark sky after the rain is beautiful. The raindrops are still on my window and I love it. I wish I have a reading corner by the window where I can sit with some fluffy cushions and read while looking at the world outside.

Anyway, I had a big Japanese buffet lunch. A farewell lunch for colleagues who are leaving, as a matter of fact. We ordered too much and we still had tons of food left when we're all somewhat finished. I can cry if they force me to eat more.

Oh, I hate it when people comes in inside a lift and presses the 'Close' button impatiently lots of times. Call it my pet peeve, but I really can't stand it when people do it. I mean, the machine will know that you pressed it the first time. Give it some chance to react! People's minds do not react immediately, so why must a machine? It happened to me when I came back just now, so I just want to vent it out.

I have also been learning to solve the Rubik's Cube. I discovered that it can actually be learned; it's not an intelligence test where you find out how you fare intelectually if you can solve it. There a steps on how to solve it and I manage to complete the cube in 2 days. Not bad, I think.

And I am reading Sophie's World now. Trying to finish by next month and get started on the new books I bought about 2 months ago. Haven't actually got the time to read books lately because I was so tired from work. Damn the job. I've said it so many times, and I'll say it again: I don't like my job and I want to quit. But I don't know where to go, or even what I want to do, and even what I love. I'm pathetic and I know it. I'm a lost boat in the big sea.

Gonna read the book now and sleep. The weather's perfect for a lazy afternoon in bed.

p/s: Oh! Tonight is the Earth Hour moment! Switch off the lights for 1 hour and show the world where we stand for the good of the environment. Hmm.

Today's photo:
My small library. I'm still building it. Got a long list of books I want to buy and read since forever. Books do not come cheap here. I've vowed to read more books this year, so hopefully this area can be expanded more.
The Rubik's Cube I've been practising on. I manage to do up until the 2nd layer almost effortlessly now. Hopefully I can master it by next month.

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