Monday, February 23, 2009


[Song on iTunes / iPod when I start: None!]

Ohhh, this looks bad to me. I don't know where my iPod touch is at the moment. Manakah? I was looking for it this morning when I was getting ready to work, tapi bila tak jumpa, I thought that it must be in the office. Bila sampai ofis, takde pun? Ahhhh, tak suka.

That beauty was a birthday gift for me last year. I cannot, cannot lose it. I will never get any gifts anymore if I lost it.

I'm gonna go home now and look high and low for it. And my phone charger as well! They must have been hidden under some clothes at home. Must. Must.

I'm such a careless freak.

Today's photo:

My baby.

[Song on iTunes/iPod when I finish: None!]

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