Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I can't believe...

that the last time I wrote in here was in July 2009!

Wow, why am I surprised? It's just so me. Anyway, happy 2010 to me. This year, I decide that I want to have a resolution. Just to see how am I doing in life. If I am capable to get things done and achieve something that I can be proud of.

This year, in January, I'm starting with these facts:

1. I am married.
2. I have moved to a new house, although still renting.
3. I do not have a car.
4. I have a new bigger refrigerator, a washing machine, and a 32" LCD TV.
5. I am still looking for a job. With good salary.

So I want to see how far am I gonna go this year. See whether I can still go on to write things in here. OH AM I FICKLE!

OK, I'm off to surf some more until I have things to really talk about.

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