Monday, February 23, 2009


[Song on iTunes / iPod when I start: None!]

Ohhh, this looks bad to me. I don't know where my iPod touch is at the moment. Manakah? I was looking for it this morning when I was getting ready to work, tapi bila tak jumpa, I thought that it must be in the office. Bila sampai ofis, takde pun? Ahhhh, tak suka.

That beauty was a birthday gift for me last year. I cannot, cannot lose it. I will never get any gifts anymore if I lost it.

I'm gonna go home now and look high and low for it. And my phone charger as well! They must have been hidden under some clothes at home. Must. Must.

I'm such a careless freak.

Today's photo:

My baby.

[Song on iTunes/iPod when I finish: None!]

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kadang-kadang aku bengang dengan diri sendiri.

[Song on iTunes when I start: Ladytron - Seventeen] ---> Yeay! Diorang datang KL!

Tak, sebenarnya selalu je aku bengang dengan diri sendiri.

Takut banyak sangat benda sampai aku menyampah sebab aku tak tahu nak buat apa. Mungkin ke sebab aku ni was living a very protected life? Selalu je ade orang sekeliling yang nak (atau terpaksa?) berlari-lari tolong aku everytime I was caught up a predicament. Jadinya, aku ni jadi seorang yang terlebih dimanjakan sampai tak boleh jadi independent langsung. Asyik nak mengharap orang untuk selesaikan masalah sampai diri sendiri tak tau nak handle macam mana.

Ok, aku nak cakap pasal naik kapal terbang. I'm afraid of heights, so naturally I'm afraid of flying. Tapi dari kecil memang aku sangat teringin nak travel by flights. Sebabnya nampak macam lagi 'travel' dari naik bas atau kereta atau bot atau selainnya. Check in, boarding, passport, duty-free and all the works. First time I finally flew was when I was 17 to JB. Dan kau naik sebuah kenderaan yang macam out of this world, yang sebenarnya tak natural untuk manusia, because we're not meant to fly. It's understandable untuk manusia takut untuk naik kapal terbang sebenarnya.

Tapi aku punya takut takdelah melampau. Gigil tu gigil jugak, sebab aku tak suka dengar benda-benda atau bunyi-bunyian enjin apa semua tu. Takut macam apa-apa jadi. Aku ni sebenarnya takut dengan the unknown fear. Tapi aku suka bila enjin tu mula bunyi menderu kuat yang tengah bersedia untuk take-off. Rasa macam, "Here we go to meet the clouds!". And the feeling when the airplane is lifting itself from the ground tu, always, without fail gives me a certain pleasure in my stomach. Adrenaline rushes into my heart and I love it.

Tapi aku tak suka sangat landing time. Bila kapal tu merendah turun, the altitude change kadang-kadang buat telinga aku sakit sangat sampai rasa nak meletup dan semestinya, aku takut gila. Nak menangis pun ada. Hope next time tak adalah sakit-sakit ni. Buat kacau je.

Aku sebenarnya tak sabar nak travel lagi. Tu yang cakap pasal flights ni. Kan best kalau jadi travel writer? Atau host dalam Travel & Living Channel tu? You're getting paid to travel and explore the world wey! It doesn't feel like work to me.

Today's photo:

I love choosing seats where I can see the wings. And definitely window seat. Looking outside when I travel is a must. It calms me down, being one with the sky.

Nota: Malam ni panas sungguh. Tak boleh tidur lah! Angin tak ada langsung.

[Song on iTunes when I finish: Miss Kittin - Frank Sinatra]

Friday, February 20, 2009

Gatal tangan.

[Song on iPod when I start: Rilo Kiley - Rest of My Life]

I'm sneaking up some time to write this. I just feel like typing.

I am watching Weeds now. Part of it because I got bored and tired with the shows on Astro and also because my Astro is cut off because I have yet to pay the bill. And so I turn to another avenue. The show is good, and lots of coverage on Nancy the main cast, the super sexy widow turned pot dealer. It amazes me everytime what she can do with her mouth combined with her cute nose.

Now that I'm typing, I actually don't know what to say. There are lots of things I want to write about last night. The words whizzed past across my head but I was doing something else, so....

And today I'm sitting in a very hot office. No electricity but with extension cables from someplace else, I'm able to use this computer. I kinda like the wind coming in from the window, though, as opposed to freezing in an air-conditioned room. The breeze calms me down. And I only had jambu potong with asam and cucumber with salt for lunch. By pukul 4 mesti lapar.

Ok, I'm done here.

Eh, wait! I wanna go see Ladyron lah this Saturday. And I have to find out about it now! It's tomorrow and I haven't find out anything except who and where.

Today's photo:

The gorgeous and marvellous Nancy Botwin. She can really pull off that 50s - 60s suburbia mom look here, with unbelievably sexy touch.

[Song on iPod when I finish: Scissor Sisters - Return to Oz]

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cuba menulis di malam yang panas.

[Song on iTunes when I start: Freezepop - Starlight]

Hey, it is so hot at nights now. It has not been raining for quite some time. And so I'm getting a hard time trying to sleep. Gila tak selesa ok terpusing-pusing cari spot yang paling sejuk.

Anyway, I just got back from watching our first Malaysian made 3D animation film. Geng: Upin & Ipin. It was good, in terms of the modelling & animation. I was amazed at the detailing done. Would never be able to do that although I did study the subject in uni. Never got the talents. Bravo to them! Their passion and hard work definitely shows through. Hoping for more to come from these guys.

I'm gonna start putting in random photos at the end of every post. There are lots of things we stumble upon everyday on the net that we like. I just don't want it to be forgotten amongst all the thousands of folders we all have in the computer.

Today's photo:

I just like her character and how she puts together her clothes. Couldn't stop staring. I love beautiful girls.

That's it. I'm done for today. Gonna get myself comfortable and read a book. Ta!

[Song on iTunes when I finish: Peaches - Fuck The Pain Away]

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This is so typical me.

Yes, I am finally here. What happens to giving an avenue to myself, promising to pour out everything and anything that troubles me instead of keeping it inside and let it kill my soul? I am like that, and I am once again, thoroughly disappointed with myself because I have not changed. At all. I am still that person who cannot commit to anything that interests me for long. The spark doesn't last long enough. It withered away and die because I just couldn't hold on to it long enough to keep the wind away.

I keep on reading other people's blogs and spaces, admiring them for having a secret (although not so secret because I manage to read their words) place to go and talk about anything they want without a care in the world. I got myself one space, and I neglected it.

So I'm gonna start small. I'll make it a habit to log on everyday and at least type 1 sentence, just to make myself familiar with the works. I don't want to avoid anything from now on, because all those things that we avoid will always, always come back and slap you in the face, full force and you won't even know what hit you and how to react.

Anyway, I found some things over the net last week that made me smile:
This cow was born about 1-2 days before Valentine's Day this year. He's from Japan. Appropriately named "Heart". I just think it's a gift that God gives us as a reminder to make us remember that there are always lots of love in the world. This photo reached out to me, and I am bouncing back with a warm heart. Yes, the world is awesome.

I have always loved to look up and admire the sky. So mysterious, so quiet, so full of wisdom. It doesn't surprise me at all that we can learn so much just from analyzing the stars. And that is why I love this photo. This was taken in New Zealand. I wish we can have skies like this where I live so that I can very very happy at night before sleeptime. It really does look like thousands of diamond glittering in the black night. OK, millions. No, make it trillions, or zillions. The world is awesome.

A firefighter sharing his bottle of water with a koala he found among the bush in the huge wildfire in Australia while the koala-his paws burned from walking through the smoldering earth and ash-puts its hand on the firefighter's cold hands from the water. The most heartwarming and touching photo ever! The koala must be so thankful. And my heart jumps out to the firefighter for having the most kindest heart, nevermind how sweaty he must be in that suit. Somehow, the scruffy hair and the dirt on his face makes up for everything. I think the world is awesome.

That's all. I'm reeking of positiveness today because I really think the world is awesome! Haha. I know, enough already.