Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cuba menulis di malam yang panas.

[Song on iTunes when I start: Freezepop - Starlight]

Hey, it is so hot at nights now. It has not been raining for quite some time. And so I'm getting a hard time trying to sleep. Gila tak selesa ok terpusing-pusing cari spot yang paling sejuk.

Anyway, I just got back from watching our first Malaysian made 3D animation film. Geng: Upin & Ipin. It was good, in terms of the modelling & animation. I was amazed at the detailing done. Would never be able to do that although I did study the subject in uni. Never got the talents. Bravo to them! Their passion and hard work definitely shows through. Hoping for more to come from these guys.

I'm gonna start putting in random photos at the end of every post. There are lots of things we stumble upon everyday on the net that we like. I just don't want it to be forgotten amongst all the thousands of folders we all have in the computer.

Today's photo:

I just like her character and how she puts together her clothes. Couldn't stop staring. I love beautiful girls.

That's it. I'm done for today. Gonna get myself comfortable and read a book. Ta!

[Song on iTunes when I finish: Peaches - Fuck The Pain Away]

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