Friday, February 20, 2009

Gatal tangan.

[Song on iPod when I start: Rilo Kiley - Rest of My Life]

I'm sneaking up some time to write this. I just feel like typing.

I am watching Weeds now. Part of it because I got bored and tired with the shows on Astro and also because my Astro is cut off because I have yet to pay the bill. And so I turn to another avenue. The show is good, and lots of coverage on Nancy the main cast, the super sexy widow turned pot dealer. It amazes me everytime what she can do with her mouth combined with her cute nose.

Now that I'm typing, I actually don't know what to say. There are lots of things I want to write about last night. The words whizzed past across my head but I was doing something else, so....

And today I'm sitting in a very hot office. No electricity but with extension cables from someplace else, I'm able to use this computer. I kinda like the wind coming in from the window, though, as opposed to freezing in an air-conditioned room. The breeze calms me down. And I only had jambu potong with asam and cucumber with salt for lunch. By pukul 4 mesti lapar.

Ok, I'm done here.

Eh, wait! I wanna go see Ladyron lah this Saturday. And I have to find out about it now! It's tomorrow and I haven't find out anything except who and where.

Today's photo:

The gorgeous and marvellous Nancy Botwin. She can really pull off that 50s - 60s suburbia mom look here, with unbelievably sexy touch.

[Song on iPod when I finish: Scissor Sisters - Return to Oz]

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