Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Looking forward to... this book.
And watch the movie.

This confirmed my own long-time suspicion that I actually crave and live for any stories, books or films made out of the Holocaust. I love the human stories behind the war, of how in between the pain and the suffering, beauty still managed to show through, no matter how sad or happy the stories made us feel. Humans are naturally kind, knowing when to give away pieces of their heart to others who need it the most. There are numerous tales about true Germans or Nazis who can't help but throw their pities and sympathies the other way, towards the reduced-to-lesser-than-human Jews. I applaud them. I want to believe that there are still love and kindness in human. I don't want to lose hope on it, ever.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is a typical story of how a Nazi boy befriended a Jewish boy, who is stuck in a concentration camp. Wouldn't want to explain more until I read the book and watch the film. (I'm sure the film can never capture the book fully, like all the other book-to-film before it. I'll watch it anyway.) But no matter how many times I've read these stories, I long to learn more about it. To read more, to know more.

Here are some stories I've read and watched about this particular war:

1. The Diary of A Young Girl - Anne Frank (book)
2. The Book Thief (book)
3. A Beautiful Life (film)
4. The Pianist (film)

There are more, but I can't remember all now.
I want to write more about other things, but maybe in next post.
I'm starting to ramble here.

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